Personal Growth Plan
Sonja Brooks
CEP 810 - Summer 2010

Technology is an ever changing part of our world.  With the changes in our world, education must also adjust to keep learners current with technological innovations that they will be expected to use.  As an educator, and also learner, I have the responsibility of understanding technology and making a difference in education using technology.           
I have set three goals for using technology to make a difference in education.  The first of these goals is to use technology in positive ways to deliver instruction.  Delivering instruction and finding new ways to teach is exciting for me as an educator.  When technology is used the students find lessons exciting as well.  I want to be able to do this in a positive way that will benefit instruction.                          

My next goal is to use technology to give students practice on concepts being taught.  Practice is an important time in learning whether it is done independently or as a small group.  My goal is to discover and develop different ways for the students to be actively engaged using technology to practice concepts.     

My third goal is to use technology to aide instruction, not just to use it.  I don’t want to bog my classroom down with technology for technologies sake.  I want to make certain that the technology is being used to further student learning.

To increasing my skill in using technology, my goal is to learn to use programs to their fullest potential.  I have been using Office programs for many years and have made them work for my purposes in and out of the classroom.  I have learned to use these programs through exploration of them.  As part of my goal I want learn to use all functions, shortcuts, menus, and applications.  I want to become familiar with using these programs so I can do it with confidence and ease.  My goal extends beyond Office programs to new programs that I have not yet encountered.