Leadership Poster
Sonja Brooks
CEP 815 - Spring 2011

I can go out into my garden on a hot summer day and begin weeding.  Working as hard as I can, moving from plant to plant, and really working up a sweat.  But when I get to the end of the garden and I turn around to see I have pulled the flowers instead of the weeds… my blood, sweat, and tears have not paid off.    

This semester we have read many articles on leadership styles, what a leader should be, and qualities a successful leader possesses.  The article, Why Should Anyone Be Led byYou? by Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones, discusses four essential qualities a leader must possess to inspire followers.  After reading this article, and the others presented in this course, it has become apparent that a leader can work extremely hard but without certain qualities or focus on specific attributes no one will want to follow them and they will be unsuccessful.  A leader must work hard on the right things to inspire, motivate others, and be a success for their institution.

This poster illustrates the importance of where you put your focus.  In the example of weeding my garden, a lot of hard work was put in but it wasn’t focused in the right places.  No one would want to follow me into a garden when that is my outcome! Likewise a leader may work extremely hard, but if they come across as arrogant or cold they will not be successful.